Monday, March 16, 2015

Essential Spring Home Improvements Projects: Roof Repair

If I were to speak to ten homeowners, I know that maybe one of them would say that he or she always checks the roof of the home in spring.

We seldom seem to appreciate the enormous strain which is placed on our roofs during the winter. Snow weighs a lot, and even though most roofs can take the extra weight, it is important to check for damage.

Tiles may move or tree branches may fall on our roofs during bad winter storms with us realizing it. Checking how your roofs have survived winter is a job which needs to be done as soon as the snow has melted.

Inside Out:
It can be a good idea to check your home inside out. By that I mean that you should really get up in the attic first of all.

You need to look out for damp spots and darker areas which may indicate you have some kind of roof damage.

It is not only weather that can cause a problem as I found out to my peril one year. After a bad storm, I had not cleared out fallen debris from my gutters. During the winter a family of mice had made their home in the debris, and eventually chewed their way into my attic.

One of my rafters was being used as an access point, and the size of the hole they had managed to completely surprise me. Also, look out for visible sign of daylights. This can indicate a more serious problem, and if your roof is not structurally sound, you need to get the problem dealt with as soon as possible.

Should you use a contractor?
A lot of roofing contractors do offer an inspection service, and there are many advantages to this service.

First of all, they are much more likely to be able to recognize signs of damage and the problem may be able to be rectified on the same day if it is minor.

Most importantly of all, they are used to working on roofs and are probably better at moving around the roof than anybody else. Falling off roofs is still a very common accident in many homes, and can lead to some very serious injuries.

Cost of a roof inspection:
Most roofing contractors do not charge a lot for this service, and you can expect to pay in the region of $75 for an inspection.

You may not have any serious problems which need to be dealt with straight away, but many roofing contractors are also good at home renovation. They may even be able to give you some ideas on how you can better insulate your roofing space in order to reduce heating bills.

That money can be very well spent, and may quickly be offset against potential savings.

Preventative Maintenance:
Just like other parts of the home, it is a good idea to focus on preventative maintenance when it comes to your roof. It is just as important to keep your roof clean and well maintained. Doing so may even ensure that your roof lasts that little bit longer.

As with other contractors, you should make sure that your roofing contractor is qualified to do the job and have experience of home maintenance and home renovation.

Lind Annie is a professional content writer and researcher. She works for contractor referral website and educate people with her home improvement ideas and tips. Using home and property owners could easily find local remodeling, renovation, plumbing and roofing contractors. To know more visit

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